India provide two two hundred fifty millions to Nepali congress to make down the government

8:52 AM
     UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli Maoist-led government to cut the center, the leaders discussed the Indian Embassy to be taken by Rs 25 to 30 million years ago. Oli M Young leaders who have led the government to be a minister, as chairman of the OLI government pressure to conform the Indian Embassy is said to have taken Rs 25 crore. That was the Maoist-led government Oli not conform to extensive debate. Leader Pushpa Narayan Shrestha, then have even criticized. Embassy sources said the name of his party to take the money to take cahen. Now Embassy of the money givers, leader of the Maoist Standing Committee.
         According to sources, the chief minister of the government may not be severe. Rather the government led by Deuba mahatvuparna 9 months after the overthrow of the ministry warns. The last time India as Oli-led government wanted to cut. According to the Government of India the same as Oli led by olibahekako displaced from the next leadership wanted to see. According to sources, the Maoists, the Maoists now Immigration and anti-cult heated debate has to be.
         The last time a senior leader Narayan Kaji Shrestha, who are led by anti-group, India's favor, including the leader Mahendra Bahadur Mahara leader ever since. Oli pressure on the government to cut tens of millions of Indian dutavasasanga Decade Prachanda said he had no information about the claims.

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