Gagan Thapa says that the Congress party is run Indian influence

8:54 AM
Kathmandu. Nepali Congress central member Gagan Thapa, a puppet of the party and said that from another run. Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has said that fatal decision to re-candidacy. The number of the party not to win, and the agenda of Prime Minister sabhapatijyusamga not, the majority of Central Committee members do not want to make him prime minister. But he confirmed uthnule party from another operational strength to have reached.
He says, "We are our own party or others are in controlling the mobile party was confusing," he clearly put India behind the party leadership accused the Prime Minister to become the President as a true affront to decide akaskika he said.
He focussing on addressing the genuine concerns plain to amend the constitution by the party with a clear agenda for the Prime Minister to make emalelai not kept pertaining to the meeting said he and other leaders.
'Sabhapatijyule yesterday's desire to become prime minister did not clarify, "Thapa said" the incumbent said the Prime Minister publicly he was coming, but there was a sudden decision to become prime minister is how did accamai.'
According to Thapa yesterday baithakamasameta senior leader Sher Bahadur Deuba and Ram Chandra Paudel were both were aspiring prime. But the meeting of the three leaders sitting president to be the candidate took the decision on the basis that we know did. According to Thapa, a gentlemen's agreement that the Prime Minister should support the UML concept of Party said. Source-Hamrosandesh

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