Kali Gandaki 'A' water power station dam danger

12:33 AM
Palpa, the country's largest hydropower project, Gandaki 'A' rain-swept amdhimuhana water power station dam area is in danger.

Krishna Gandaki river erosion VDC Ward No. 8 amdhimuhanama amdhikholale after its 12 houses are at risk landslides. The landslides in need of vulnerable communities to transfer.

Due to erosion, cracks bastisameta amdhimuhana nearby local rumadevi said proudly. A few years ago due to erosion, the DDC imposed Gandaki 'A' water power station wall is broken.

The Krishna Gandaki River katanakai amdhimuhanama because nivuvakharka VDC and VDC is in danger of jholune pulasameta. The bridge is likely to be added to the problem have faced increased danger of divergent local gems mountain Baglung Kunwar said.

The country's largest hydropower Center Gandaki 'A' BS 2057 during the construction of a cargo truck and the vehicle engine by Kali Gandaki river from the coming into operation stumara water service now has become blocked.

Amdhimuhana ten stumarale seven kilometers of regional pidhikholako setivenisamma water service providers to shut down the service after river erosion.

Power Center binajanakari the dam had opened the door and soul of shedding stumara lakhemko squandered the property of the stone Chetan Gandaki Water Transport Private Ltd. Chairman Tikaram Kunwar said. Water service is surprising, mountain, GULMI 23 VDCs of the district are expected to benefit.

Kali Gandaki 'A' water power station beltarika major Rajaram Pandey informed of the upper body would take the problem fixed. The DDC monitoring risk areas to help solve the problem is described. RSS

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