how far Read leaders

12:08 AM
 Laxman gamnage

Class student I did a wonderful question, "the leaders of the seven-eight years to write a constitution, could not book. They are not educated, sir? How to be a leader to read? ' I bataunaiparyo student heading. I give them the samjhaem the civil service on the basis of khebhogeka lower level staff, post office are at the top sahayogidekhi. The government stayed compulsory reading. Office collaborator to know for simple reading. The text should head for the 8 grade. For kharadaraka header, Subba level for the certificate, and for branch officers should be graduated. Some posts also need to graduate. It is applying for a petition to sue the minimum educational qualification is only ksika. And Emma, ​​read a great deal of years. Thousands of ultra-competitive written and oral examinations after the pieces should be. And we should also test of a year. Moreover, through the Secretary of promotion, through the Secretary, Joint Secretary Of course, how much you need to qualify and skills.

You know, all these scholars, educated employ cabinet is up. The Council of Ministers should bring-assigned employees to work. Council leader who, Prime Minister or Minister is said to be black letters buffalo were equal. Lyapce know lagaunacahim. Salary, medical expenses, economic cooperation, and vouchers that would not be right to do launuparyo free lyapce. Leaders are not appointed to receive remuneration commission, bribery or other forms of income does not belong also to bujhnacahim lyapce. NOTE enough to recognize and count.

Read the second is where it is so easy to be a leader, and! From an early age to become the leader must have special properties and abilities. For example, you pursue many side not the top reason, jhutamuta talking, the sky-Hades talk to embark friends gathered around to know, wrestling is always the initiative, friends or deer is also aplenty stone could play, he escaped others to catch know, before the move to governed, which is that you are such a nature, may eventually become leader. His only OK, all those others what he wants, he just scholars, all of these properties must also be considered a fool. As opponents to the lowest levels of abuse, threaten should know. To play not being so ridiculous. People suffering had to be able to shed tears on seeing turukkai.

What you see, to be a leader must be read so that that does not become law. Instead, the government should be public transport driver and at least SLC has added new rule. Such rule-making authority to them as leaders of the need for the reading of the law is not drafted. All of their work is useful to make the rules of aphubaheka. Who makes himself useful rule, brothers and sisters are not so?

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