again elephant injured to man-(watch vedio)

7:52 AM
 July 20 - A group of elephants from Koshi Koshi Wildlife Reserve in eastern Saptari night terror by promoting two homes are vandalized.

Reserve two groups out of the elephant Ganesh Paudel and kancarupa municipal Koshi-2 Samawal 6 ramacana permanently damaged houses, one each in the glory sources said police inspector-worthiness.

The elephant in the house forever Poudel and food, vegetable utensils, large damaged goods lattakapadasahitaka ¥ said the victim recalled.

The elephant and the Area Police Office kancapurabata local police team are tuskers araksatarpha.

A few days in the area are daily elephant terrorizing sthanivasile said. A month earlier, half a dozen elephants had vandalized the house

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