Meat shop in Kathmandu Kit (read more)

4:32 AM
Meat shop requires regular monitoring

Kathamadaumh guerilla fighters during the monitoring of supplies to sell meat kiraikira kept seeing the need for regular monitoring of the meat shop said.

Supply Management Department, District Administration Office on Friday, the on-site monitoring during kathamadaumlagayatako robbed 'by the name of the slaughterhouse and indeed hails meat is being sold kits meeting the need for regular monitoring of all meat shop Pun said.

Minister Pun said the media monitoring, consumer undermining the rights to sell and distribute any content is not anyone, if so, if the law is strict action. "

Unplanned the slaughterhouse meat and meat-cutting area of ​​flesh cut out of the waste placed in an uncoordinated grocery has been preparing to be sealed.

Immediately sealed garbage out of the slaughterhouse in the meat and further undermining the locals when a conductor is given time to clean.

The meat market on Friday evening after a clean sealed the Department Officer Lal said the assailants.

On Friday, the handover monitoring team Teku fish market and some meat shop is also monitored. The real problem convincing the blanks.

Nearly four day supply vibhagasahitako team has been monitoring on a regular basis. Monitoring during the first day of vegetables, water the second day, the third day of the clinic, and today is the fourth day of meat ganugamana field. RSS

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