TERRORISM common threat! How can we survive

9:59 PM
India's Jammu-Kashmir state has suffered violence and intense. After the death of a militant youth rajyakarabahima intensity is found that there is a people-opposition, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's level of incident prastutivapata news media criticized the Indian media have published some reliable.
Meanwhile, the printing and distribution of newspapers and Kashmir state government to stop wearing unusual circumstances indicated that, for 48 hours.
Khiyavata the authority of the state, public security, personal challenges and, generally, any country that does not condone violence campaign. Kashmir terrorism and militancy marked 'censorship' In fact, 1 in 9 January 2061 Nepal was lagaiekai purpose and style.
Organized murder, violence and Transportation normal life, safety and the interest of the general public should be challenging when the state is unpleasant and harsh action, though for every such point is he (the government) must be full accountability.
Now the last one month, the US, France, bangaladesalagayataka countries they have been the target of terrorism, and the same concept of terrorism and demanded tough measures, not only those countries, also have arisen out.
Atankavadabatai haunting and powerful big countries or other countries in the neighborhood declared terrorist forces on political, crouching behind his dominance over the unusual circumstances. Regardless of the state of Jammu-Kashmir or the northeast of India, whether in Sri Lanka or Nepal or Iraq, and Libya, terrorism is terrorism is.

All the leaders of these countries is also terrorism, and that terrorism is not good or bad dohoryairakheka principles are shared. However in practice all forms of terrorism and all the places they are not terrible. Large countries acted as his opponents 'extremism' to protect the legitimacy of the role of violence in politics and their power will change.
Now participate in NATO military coalition in Iraq, Britain has its role to exploit the promise, one more time, the country has been destroyed nearly a decade. The incident bore the flame of revenge and terrorism in their alliances must overcome, but how big and powerful countries have sewage future of terrorism, it is also going.
That is a fictional pretext that a country's internal affairs and a number of potential retribution when he can bear and style. India Maoists results using the resulting chaos and uncertainty of the present. Then the role of the Nepalese people would nakhoseko partnership with India have 8 leaders of the country must have a gradual and natural pace of democracy could proceed.
It may be an expression of disappointment and possible extremism internal dialogue should address the discontent. But what if the public vulnerable to authorize the government to moderation and accountability should display. In that sense, the Government of India on Kashmir now, the whole world, and especially his role will be an important lesson for every disgruntled neighbors.

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