The new prime minister election process: bolster the two edge

9:42 PM
July 8, 2073- The new Prime Minister took the dispute ruling will bolster the electoral process has been seen in two edge. Prime Minister KP olibiruddhako confidence in parliament proposing the discussion sanibara UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal and Bam Dev Gautam told not an alternative to the process of election of the prime minister by Constitutional udon escalated from two edge surface.

UML Chairman KP Oli, who is also party, even if the motion was passed, according to the existing law, the new prime minister election process can not move forward reasoning come in. Prime Minister Oli and he was close to the leaders to select a new prime minister constitution amendment process prior promote or hinder adau sentences have stressed the need of the road. Which emalebhitrai senior leader Jhala Nath Khanal, Nepal and Gautam have disliked. The technical side of the election process, saying political solution showing adaumda party to seek credit in favor of a relapse is about to Nepal is a party. Congress and UML Article 2 9 8 under the law of the new prime minister saying that the election process ahead. They passed a motion immediately after Mr. Onsari Onsari Article 2 9 8 and parliament Rules 2073 Rule 4 9 to mentioned law drafting process and the government sent a letter to advance the recommendations rastrapatikoma are paved.

Senior UML leader Jhala Nath Khanal, leader of the main political parties for the implementation of the Constitution of Nepal and Gautam increase bitterness there are not in favor. Prime Constitutional udon dekhiepani political path that their exit is to seek. Through a constitutional amendment or interruption adau obstacles raised before the failed constitution will be able to go on the road, saying they should promote the process of election of the Prime Minister on the basis of political samajhadarikai informal discussions with the party runs a UML lawmakers said.

KP Oli-led government to defend the rostrum of Parliament on Saturday morning, standing senior leader Nepal government to operate with an extended style lamented. He Party, the government and the country 'not running on the system ", said. Oli, has been the party group, the effect of the state stemming from the operation of a national consensus government in the direction indicated disruptive views. "Ramesh lekhakajile while speaking before the organs of State partikarana, political placements that UML has accused hobby. Partikarana had also accepted as a leader was probably, "to defend the party on behalf of the party, he climbed the rostrum, began to return the sarcasm," There is no partikarana, has gutakarana. There is no UML, is group, group. '

Nepal Prime Minister musical chairs caldaigarda from self-thoughts: Before, no one unexpected comment about the country. Political relations foundation of faith even to stand, saying that their decision-making processes and institutional style naapanauda Oli criticized walkway way. "A look, many forget, Nepal, look, the world forget, the world we see, Nepal forget, 'he said,' This is the last sankramanakalasamma national consensus government that we need, I repeated myself, Congress first and the second-largest party, the adjacent living at and told him to bring back could, but now the Maoists left the government has failed. "

Gautam Prasad Bhattarai, the Maoist leader to bring the focus on the peace process, situation analysis prastavasammako confidence to make the prime minister and the parliament said that the right to throw. Gautam also walked like Nepal, Oli defense. Instead, Dahal and about a close relationship with the almighty long respectively. He passed a resolution of no confidence and the building of the new government and said there was no doubt, "the motion to be passed to make. Becoming the new Prime Minister can not be stopped. But, this is the way it is wrong. The motion of a national consensus government initiative in withdrawing Prachanda. "

Many parties are giving advice mode Gautam close friend from church, assuring his initiative failed to avoid referring to the motion said. Such initiatives have failed because of the prime minister, referring to olikai Oli UML support Dahal claimed that the Prime Minister has agreed to make 3-point. Even though his team participated in diverse government, saying it would not bring no-confidence motion against Oli said, "It is not only no-confidence motion against the prime minister. Maoist ministers also distrust against it. This way, calling her 've to choose.'

-an Old Congress leader Ramesh to speak before the Parliament at the meeting on Friday, most of the time the author notes UML parliamentary party deputy leader Subash Nembang spent answer. Air and speared his own style of legal backgrounds nemvanajastai writer in the constitution between the two terms is allowed to enter a hole in it ', said. 'BS (to admit) that people read the law. Regulation of the Constitution is that it is found in court to argue. But people not paksavipaksamatrai ubhiepachi court, people need to look at the debate, "the parliament recently passed a new constitution and rules, streams paltaudai writer said," The creative interpretation of the constitution, let us, not drilling. The constitution is not the next prime minister to choose the law that we are trying to take the land nirankusatatarpha? '

A chance for the opposition MPs were participating in the discussion. Most of the MPs to speak in favor of motion UML parliamentary party deputy leader and the then Speaker Subash expression was poured on Thursday. Continue to take the constitution of the government soon so the transitional period the game was kept informed of wealth inscribed in the constitution of such a system. It is the Prime Minister and to amend the Constitution, but that the election could not be kept successive Congress and Maoist lawmakers walked only sarcasm, trying to conceive the notion that even the expression He further said that the ruler. "A law is ignored and the same kind of explanation hark were born. A similar interpretation of the constitution are said to be born hitalaharuko "said Giri nemvanaprati are targeted," the parliament, but the election can not be flattered, to say the constitution is not feeling. There is no need to pull the section and sub-clauses of the Constitution. The Prime Minister and the new Prime Minister to come to the sansabata certain. However, make sure not to come. '

Author-centric team increased acceptance of the constitution that the parliament came to the CA's comment "comment Lake Light 'that dust. Implementation of the Constitution should not eat allowance parliament, saying the people dissatisfied with the negotiations, demanding the government to address the motion must bring his claim was cukekale. The government had recently appointed National Youth Council accused the writer of extreme .Pupils him.

Congress and UCPN constitution meeting lawmakers 'chidratama playing' the prime minister to stop the electoral process can be the kind of expression had a strong counter. Prime Minister Oli and he came close to leaders of parliamentary expression of the value manyatako said to mock the work. Part in the deliberations of motion in favor of the prime minister, according to the promulgation of the Madhes dalaharulepani Prime Minister's expression that the election could not be had strongly criticized.

Jaribhaepachiko constitution of the first pradhanamantrinai Ajay, the motion passed after the chair not to leave what an excellent Constitution was made at the counter of expression Tarai leader Sarbendranath suklale said Thursday, "concluded the majority of the sovereign power of Parliament not to live nirahi. This interpretation of wealth. '

Goodwill Party Chairman Laxman Lal Karna Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal moral crisis aunasatha resignation example to learn Oli urged the government to resign majority gumaisakdapani stay nidai said chair of the libido. 'Against the prime minister more than 3 hundred and 38 do not allow the pugisakepachi resignation, that was also true of the parliament to speak. But ministers on daurasalavara sattasina space. And there was a severe madhavajibiruddha motion. But, he just chose to resign. Oli own when the government failed economic Legislature and majority-confidence motion was surprised when the resignation is compounded. 'Maoist Chairman Dahal, mountains and even had praise saying pahadalai connection.

Maoist leader Ram Karki said the Prime Minister Oli aepachinai India opened up sanctions if we are stopped, as was the earthquake, saying the relationship with our neighbors Oli days before an unbalanced manner he said. "Nepal was told to make a dynamic bridge between the two countries. However, Prime Minister Oli worked to dismantle the south pillar.

Pilarale only one bridge can sustain? Karki was saying, 'both sides of the pillar holding up the same weight should be made. "He said that as he is not the decision of the Prime Minister during the election that the party has said that a sovereign parliament scare. "If we go down the road taken is that the shock is dangerous?" Karki said, 'sovereign rights leaders, who gave intimidate Parliament? "He asked parliament to dispose of the power of energy, said the departure Karki, adding," Now there is no power that Parliament terrible level.'

Published: July 8, 2073

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