Madhesi Front is not in any way participate in the new government: Chairman Mahato (read more)

12:52 AM
JUL, Kathmandu. Changing the country has reached a decisive role Madhesi Front political paristhitasamgai When deciding whether the new government during the discussion about not being a major component of the Front Party chairman Rajendra Mahato Front party goodwill to participate in the government have made it clear that any possibility.

Goodwill Chairman Mahato issue addressed by the Madhesi Front and Demarcation Peris grant they have no means to not participate in the government. Mahato said that soon will be the official decision about Front meeting strangers. Discussing about the changing political situation to determine the official opinion of the Front Well try to call a meeting soon Mahato.

Speaking about the role of the new government, the Madhesi Front Mahato situation assessment, the new coalition only after madhesabare idea came out clearly explained the way forward. The Maoists and the Nepali Congress Centre came clear view about the deteriorating address the issue only after the final decision on the alliance to reach Mahato.

Governments in the past, the Nepali Congress and the Maoists, Madhesi Madhesi Front Mahato This time there was no reliable approach toward conscious and have become a serious. He said, "We are very aware of the painful experience of the past are. Terai Madhesi Front is of interest to look at just any kind of decision '.

The 7-point between the Nepali Congress and the Maoists Center sahamatibare Mahato both parties to fully know unless a party official said that until it does not have any comments. Mahato goodwill agreement with the Madhesi not only about writing a clear road map to bring its demand for them.

Parliament brought the fallacies madhesale believe our positive role in the constitution relating to the Madhesi Mahato. He said the deteriorating issue with major political consensus is possible only because of constitutional amendments that Congress and the Maoists in harmony with the country's political problems will be resolved only by said increased.

Oli letter to the government only talks the issue of the deteriorating aljhaeko Mahato accused the government of trying to be honestly said that he would solve the problem. He Maoist coalition Congress nadoharae past mistakes and honestly resolve to solve their problems and political stability of the country made it clear that sustainable peace.

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