Tamor River made lake immediate disintegration study team concluded (see more)

10:36 AM
Taplejung, 2 9 June. 1 on the landslide fell from the cliff nakla savadina Tamor River made the possibility of a dangerous rhythm immediately returning to the team concluded.

Saturday morning, three days after the danger of fallen landslide damming of the river has reached today, the study team immediately split and the present situation at the lake by flowing river is eroding the possibility of damage to the Tamor river settlement for the sake of its CDO Surendra Prasad Bhattarai said.

Study Team Coordinator and District Soil Conservation Office Bahadur Kunwar, the maximum area of ​​the lake has become the powerhouse rock lake outburst came when the risk of the statute then added.

Risk lake burst, then study the situation and prepare a report today in the afternoon 13-member study team had reached the place. The team engineer, technical, redakrasakarmi, Nepal Police, Nepal Army and the Armed Police Force were involved in the technical officer.

Frozen water until recently, and now the situation is not to be credited as the risk was no study that could drain water aejati team prepared the report said. The study team is aware of the river's sthaniyavasilari poised but has urged him to stay.

Due to its geographical remoteness, the study team also said the situation is not shedding Lake immediately. A similar study team made up of water frozen lake 350 m length and 120 m width and 15 m in depth, said. The lake is estimated 30 thousand million cubic meters of water is supposed to be.

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