After the return of the letter the Prime Minister said, 'good luck' (read more)

8:34 AM
July 28, 2073- the government and the Maoist Centre received his letter, the Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli 'happy' have said retaliatory response.

The letter, from the Prime Minister Singha Durbar, Maoist leader Janardan Sharma said, 'All right, well, wish you good luck. "Sharma, the UML-led coalition government and Congress to make being one of the three yojanakaramadhyeka.

Sharma Oli black tea dealt with the flock.

Under normal circumstances, the present Prime Minister Sharma said the Maoist leader said. He received his letter, in spite of surprise, "he said," take a few minutes more talk about that. '

According to sources close to the Maoists to take the information back to support the Prime Minister on Monday had belukai know. "Congress and the Maoist leaders agreed on Monday night was the information received the Prime Minister," the source said, "The decision was not uncommon for back support. '

The prime minister received his letter upapradhanamantriharu and various parties have led to two ministers had discussed. Deputy Prime Minister Bijay gacchadarabaheka had reached the Durbar.

The prime minister's strategy for the upcoming support to patrapachi kanunamantri kharel fire, the Attorney General Hari Phuyal, the government spokesman, Information and Communications Sherdhan railagayatasamga also discussed.

3 pm: Prime Minister Singha eliminated the correspondents brief response, 'support to the Maoists has been received, we are going to consider. "

The ruling party meeting, Prime Minister Baluwatar Tham and then called a meeting of the Party Standing Committee.

Published: July 28, 2073

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