Has not stopped 'terror' to landslides (read more)

7:53 PM
Tatopani (Kathmandu) dhannale they survived, but still not back from the face glow. Frustration, fear and fatigue appears only. Jure bottom erosion, conducted to the top out of the rocky hills. It rains caused flood disaster bhotekosi barsanda pain nicorincha their mind to leave the sixth day Barhabise market khursanibari lipina market through the bridge when crouching silence and tragic drsyabaheka some seem dull. The flood wall khosrieka Holding, has been conducted to falling rock across the barbed-less tragic journey remaining.

Street corners are pressed in the mountain rock sticking house. Gharasanracana are swept shore littered. Flooded road is not gone forever. Nowhere is reapportioning dhassieko road. Some gharasanracana an electrical pole and wires everywhere lobed ground jhundirahechan. River erosion and landslide risk in order to continue to put stuff out. The streets are littered with leftovers jhitijhyamta and pokapantura.

Nepal-China border Tatopani major trade routes that Barhabise-lipina 26 km section of Highway, so it seems only right now. Bahrabisedekhi begins in the old commercial barrier, tragic scenery. Jure among the numerous rivulets of the hazy greater coastal region of both sides of the house, sojhimdai. The river marked the walls and barricades to control soil erosion, and the house foundation, nibbling Bhotekosi overflow is hirkairahekai.

Airfare Jambu highway before the road starts to disappear. River Road intersection in one place is still there. Batodhari not walk the rest. Referring both sides of the rocky landslides are khasirahekai. Adding to go up as much older than the destruction of Braga. Children and women are weeping, found fleeing. Clothing, gold, jewelry, seems to protect the cuimcuimti rajamargaibhari entourage out of heavy bahrabisetira.
Knife and found a new pulabicako landslides, steep Nima Sherpa. Heavy is the head of a huge. 'Home bhotakosile dragging the other, "the sweat pores turukka demeaning," he said goods even if it wished to protect. "He had eight porters coming down heavy horses Barhabise. "There are relatives," he walked with a heavy sighed, almost two hours, 'Bhotekosi delajasto not live!'

 Jambu riverbanks, Singpalkabhre, a new bridge, a knife, Hindi and khokundola market is the same silence. No Place to Go to elude the local cliff rock falling are sitting there. Shop, hotel library and thanked afternoon tea, lunch go elsewhere to sell if they sleep at night.
 The river is at high risk of dry port construction larcanajika haunting. Cut land flowing pastes and soil gregarale khokundola and Hindi market is dragging. About 11 km of the bridge he received a lipinasamma Larcha destruction can be seen as extreme. Larcha has fallen constantly landslides. Tyahimnira River Road intersection is right. At times, large rock falls from above. The bomb exploded with a loud voice that comes down the river bajramda bark much.

 The couple fled to save their lives pasanabuti Sherpa landslides and rock that did not proceed. They stopped 10 kilomai. 'Now go run, what a place to go?' Phulpinakattisthita take shelter maternal hands and making himdeki pasanabuti cried and started to cry. Tatopani of their two houses to collapse the earthquake. Then they took 10 kg camp came palimdai wage.

Nearly 15 hundred container itself has been transformed into a 10-kilosthita park shore. There is huge landslide fell. Some houses are damaged. The 45 MW project is the Upper Jure there is damaged. Nagar are stored in large rock. The landslides swept highway intersection Silla home nimtyaepachi flow situation.

If the house was not damaged by the earthquake live. Rush to escape as quickly as possible to destroy the place made vacant shed were local. "Lackisakyo land. Luggage is not extracted bhyaielajasto, "Dhan Bahadur Tamang said the shed break. Their neighbors were frightful bhatkairaheka huts.

Some of the foundation of the house khotalieka 10 kg preliminary locals are empty. Goods stored in a safe place, they take the road jutirahechan. The main Tatopani enter the market rises, the shuttle off River Road. The locals arriving to leave the house market is deserted.

Boarding school in the first place Mansarovar is now flowing river. Lower Geyser, svathyacauki felling are parirahekai. Article Tatopani floodwaters swept half the structure. There are some reaching back to the road is broken. River Street pulled eight houses were swept away. Two landed at the decoy goods were being put bets on local life.

Kodaridekhi nearly pulled off the market is above. Kodari market rises, the largest river pravesasthalamai destruction is to overthrow. Khotalimdai new settlement is constantly haunting the Silla. Sunday afternoon, the moderate who were cut out of the same house, men. The women were weeping.
Do not dwell in food
Tatopani duim rainy area. Rain is so much more to curb almost every day. So rather than decreasing Jure surface is still growing. Tatopani area often, July-August floods and landslides nimtincha. There are more plagued by this time was to overthrow the local disaster. "Chinese police have urged the apostle here saying that flood," said nogenale. According to him, during the 6-meter height of the flooding valleys flowing Bhotekosi was taken.

Away with those who have already been told that the house in Kathmandu. Narahekaharu the option of going elsewhere are displaced mountain outpost. In the afternoon when the water they managed to sleep at night can not be bound mind. Roads and communications isolation Tatopani. Headquarters and has been divorced, Kathmandu. No road, no communication-feature. No electricity. Tatopani darkness. Risking their lives for the local emergency work to elude the rock and landslides are reaching Barhabise. The inability of the government last week, they were pratinidhisamma disaster.
 "Running out of food. Not to bring roads, "local Padam Lama said," may lagisakyaum starving. "According to him, 10 kilosthita suspension bridge over the blockade, has bhotekosipariko pansego village. After the river bank settlement risk their lives to protect the top local woods are pursuing. "Where do they live, are living, does not know," he said concerns are.

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