When beheart aattract can also be (read more)

10:41 PM
Dr. Milan prakash shrestha. Senior cardiac specialist

Kathmandu, samakhusi the past 8 years and 45 years living in Sugar krsnaprasadaji doing drugs. Cekajanca was given to a doctor regularly. Sugar is always controlled by the state. One day I was given the heart to check the course cekajancakai where Echo arrived. Echo, ECG, etc. Check was no problem. Sugar for a long time because of entries on the check-ordinator suggested that once tiemati dime. Also asserts daktarasab, I fully amuchu time went on. The day after the hospital emergency room saw ordinator. Asking them to know. The middle part of the stomach and chest while sleeping at night sleep vyunjhina pugnubhaecha dukhera. Gyastrki saying the drugs at home, due to lack of hot water, etc., even though the hospital had come. ECG, etc. Check the hospital had found that hdayaghat. Better economic conditions immediately after treatment and all other mobile are those who now are healthy.
For many years the inhabitants of Kirtipur Bharat Neupane had already bladapresara high. He was very aware of what health cigarette, tobacco, alcohol, wear some khandainan. Dinahum walk half an hour. Where once I arrived after bladapresara was a bit of control. After all jancapadtala amount of medicine after the reshuffle was bladapresara full control. Then about a year and a half where I have not come for cekajancako. One day I called the emergency. Uhanlai really brought. Regular intake of the medicine in the morning on that day, -and all of a sudden dizziness hand. Come and take care of looking around and head injuries pugechan mold also gets to take another. He had come to the hospital to investigate the affair really. We have seen that clearly was entitled to hdayaghata hospital ECG. Mobile are those in his immediate treatment gariyoahile are healthy.
Visiting a foreign western Nepal Nepal trekid elsewhere. Jandaigarda he felt chest pains. The first two mobile are also being blocked coronary blood vessels to engage in them that it is difficult to distinguish pain mutukai found. Terkindalai stopped immediately brought to the hospital early on from a helicopter. ECG and blood test to find very little lagnasakena. But the nature of chest pain like the pain of mutukai look to integrate them with the ICU dime advice. 6, 6-hour interval jancaharu dohoryaudai indeterminate hdayaghat was diagnosed. Again, the problem is not a problem tract enjiyograma examined first seemed. He also immediately after treatment, including mobile are right and returned home.
Bladapresarako any kind of symptoms, he believed the problem is rampant despite 47 years of navarajajilai When pressed on that medicine did eaten. Once a run is also a friend of the folding top 220 and bottom 110 ounces bladapresara met earlier. He was given medication by namanepani admitted to hospital, and the third day after the hospital stay after bladapresara control should always khanunai medicine, as is evident from the policy could pose threats were sent home telling. But beyond friends like, the food is always with me, even entering into the sample. Even when merchandise. But again and again, never retrieved for the day. After a sudden shortness of breath once heard Ganga hospital. He also hdayaghata happened a long time bladapresarale uncontrolled. This will cause other problems hdayaghatpachi about their lives went by. About a week after the hospital stay, he came home. After his bypass operation was.
67 years of Vishnu sresthaji bladapresaraka are sick. He regularly eat medicine. Do regular exercise. Not strictly BNYS. One day he had to feel his chest was the heaviest. He went to his refusal to work daktarakaham domestic vaccine. He measured and bladapresara sadhainjastai bladapresara more than a cure, so always eat food that ausadhimadhye advice sent home. However, 2, 3 hours also did not reduce his pain grew worse. After the hospital emergency came too. It seemed clear that hdayaghat of the emergency ECG. Start treatment immediately was admitted in sisiyu. Modern treatment is allowed to divulge the location on vessels off checkups were injected. His condition was normal then. Later, many other investigations revealed that the heart muscles can not come back to normal by the dead appeared. In such cases, or bypass operation by mobile are not doing any good, he seemed to have been recently prescribed drugs regularly and that is in his heart drugs is running.
What person of TMT?
People cigarettes and tobacco to drugs,
Sugar High blood pressure and problems with people,
The increased volume of blood fat people remain,
Obesity in more people,
Physical exercise and less of people who do not at all,
If anyone was hdayaghata close relatives of such persons,
It is such a class of people that usually hdayaghata Medical science has proved. Especially the people surtisevana, bladapresaraka, sugar patients, obesity than those in, an increased amount of fat in the blood of patients, those who have a hard time colorful and less physical exercise has been found to be more hdayaghata. However, these problems will not be found if the persons in hdayaghat such problems, but people also hdayaghata 80, 85 years we have seen up to banciraheko. So take good care of your health is not likely that anyone will hdayaghata.
Hdayaghata is a complex situation. Hdayaghatako treatment that is not accessible in Nepal. Treatment can also be found quickly become tougher. Treatment, death may quickly. For the treatment of patients with heart failure after hdayaghata sisiyu expert as a ward to keep her comfortable. Check heart blood vessels (enjiyograma) by checking the coronary blood vessels jancapascata hose has not been very sanguro nothing without regular medication is advised. If pipes sanguro mobile are very open with Anti- technology. With mobile are not eligible to open blocked coronary raktanaliharu or by mobile are seemingly bypass operation is beneficial.
All these treatment methods are not the best person to sustain the difficult economic situation in Nepal situation must. Though once a man loses hdayaghata again and again the possibility remains hdayaghata. After hdayaghata diet, mental stress, physical exercise, etc., etc. regular cekajanca should be bound to consider the whole thing kept purayai discipline vitaunupardacha life. When physical labor, regular daily work also walk freely through sakindainayaso do, do not do that, the medicine in the morning, the evening, a drug that bisiaiela, cough that may sound, that may be difficult to breathe, he walked some of that, more and more pursuit they always feel sick stress. Some of the patients are hdayaghata medicine chodnuhundaina our life. Once again hdayaghatabata bancera niskepani hdayaghata also might be difficult if the prisoners. It used to recount the most important thing is hdayaghatapachiko a heart condition. Unwilling to be added to the burden of being hdayaghata lifetime.
Therefore, the possibility to dismiss hdayaghatako from time to time it is necessary to check the heart. To give up smoking and surtisevanalai. Bladapresara, sugar and blood kolestrelalai should always niyantranabhitrai. Regular physical exercise should have a high priority. But the stress should also organize work. Nimtyaunasakcha highly stressful life of hdayaghata.
The then attack?
The heart of the three main raktanaliharu for it. These three pipes working muscles coronary circulation to cause the same. Kinsman oxygen supply through the coronary muscle is needed. More work on heart blood flow and more oxygen supplies more tens of raktanaliharu them.
If for various reasons, and the narrower tract on raktanaliharu samghurina muscles of blood to coagulate bleeding gari fell off the flies do not die reaches muscles. This condition is called heart attack.
Timely treatment as quickly as possible to bring close the blood vessels to be normal if the situation kholnasakiema heart muscle completely die if treatment has been delayed because of which man is not feared to die.
The process of silent coronary raktanaliharu skilled samghurine process and samghurine small state in order to gradually grow and take the kind of image is. High blood pressure, blood sugar in overweight were more, the blood vessels to people with uncontrolled amounts of fat kolestrolako samghurine greater problem.
In addition, more consumption of meat, eat more fatty oil, tobacco and drugs more stress than living people is also a problem samghurine vessels. Heart attack was one more member of the family closer if such a person may be inherited as samghurine problem.
treadmill Test
A lot of problems can be identified coronary raktanaliharu samghurine tests are available. The cost is negligible and within reach of all and is a treadmill test is a reliable test. Treadmill is a kind of machine which we use for home or phitnesa Center category at you. Mesinasamga treadmill ECG test is also connected. ECG and heart continue to study the patient is placed on the machine to walk.
ECG and heart patients, blood pressure, etc. are also well studied. The main purpose of this test is to cause patients to work more Lukhuré Hearts. Hearts do more work more dhadakincha heart. More dhadkimda need more oxygen.
In general, healthy blood vessels as outlined above, then the machine Opening the manner he walked raktanaliharu more blood flow, and the patient is not any kind of problem with heatstroke. If raktanaliharu samghurina have started to get sick when walking required amount of blood flow to the heart muscle become serious and patient chest pain, shortness of breath may become the heatstroke.
In addition to the absence of the necessary amount of blood flow to the coronary lack of oxygen to muscles belly, which seems to ECG. On the basis of the report is given. This is good if negative test results showed positive is the heart of the problem is this, that the issue of the evil.
Briefly called tiemati treating this investigation will be tested under the supervision of experts. For this test does not need to be on an empty stomach. It is a kind of test injection, cutting work by copyright and also whether or unconscious. 15 to 20 minutes can be a preparation to the test not necessary.
But, before it is necessary for treating specialist advice on the situation of his health. For other problems, especially heart is already weak state, the problem of the various valves, pressure control of the situation in different conditions, etc. It must not be checked. In addition to this emergency situation, we need to check where the means of preparing diphivriletara and other devices must also.
Treadmill test is negative or positive to come to?
Negative approaches, there is not currently a problem with heart samgurine pipes can be assured that. This means that the chance of coronary heart attack, there is no tube samguriera understand that. Positive approaches, the patient is advised to check the coronary enjiyographi.
This test fine wire through the coronary stent which is apparently what percentage where rattanaliharu. If you eat drugs are generally only given samghuropana only if pipes are very samghurisakeka situation by enyioplasti seen it open, mobile are more ways to keep or bypass operation is adopted. To avoid this in the future could be hdayaghatbata time.
Such problems could be heart failure, one of the people he sees more than six months since the state once called TMT to these above problems to some extent the danger of hitting hdayaghatako year if ekacotisamma be sure to stay.
15 minutes, taking the time to avoid risks, if possible, why nagarneru hdayaghatko today went to a nearby hospital and comforting garaihalaum check.
Senior cardiac specialist best grandi International Hospital are working. NEWAH newspaper

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