China's leaders seek to overcome strong warning OLI.(read more)

5:18 AM
KATHMANDU, July 21. The last time the government cut KP Sharma Oli has led the main opposition party Nepali Congress Party coalition partners active in chimed with the CPN-M to indicate the center is shown. However, right now the government has already decided to quit while the Maoists are in favor of me. However, the second-tier leaders of Maoist and CPN-UML-led government, said his party's top leaders are cut muscles and night are giving pressure. The leaders of the neighboring nation are coordinated .

According to sources, this game has already indicated support India. Earlier, the Government of India for the image of the whole plan was made. However, the northern neighbor China, the second-tier leaders of the current government when discussing indispensable M stern warning Chinese officials have instead.
                                           Mahara, the Maoist leader said Chinese officials?

Aunasara source of power to change the Active Sync smart player and Maoist leader Krishna Bahadur Mahara special Chinese representatives in the capital on Saturday, Yak and Yeti hotel had a three-hour long private discussions.
During the meeting the representatives of the Chinese advised to keep seeking Monde KP Oli has learned. People of Nepal government for changes to be a great curse, warning them to act in accordance with the same center urged the Maoists. Special relationship with China as a leader, she was familiar with Le Monde Chinese paksabatai such a direction is now very difficult circumstances, the sources claimed. Kassiraheko own party chairman to lead a consensus government, led by China government to create an positive feedback queuing Afzal M is the center of this moment commotion.

Why Oli stood in favor of the government of China?
Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, Nepal drawn to the circuit in China. During the visit, China and Nepal paravahanadekhi agreement with the rail which, was important. For the implementation of these agreements China Ollie government wants to remain. And wants to see prosperous Nepal. The former ambassador to China says Mahesh Maske political stability and prosperity in Nepal, China is camheko. According to Oli said Maske prosperous Nepal now have the slogan. Development plans are put forward. So that China is in favor of the current government that was put in.

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