Nepal, India rail service operations in five offices of: Ambassador Roy(read more)

11:03 AM
Pokhara, July 21. Indian Ambassador to Nepal Ranjit Rae sought the administration of India for Nepal's five offices said that plan has been forwarded.

Pokhara Nepal-India Friendship Association organized by the Nepal-India Tourism Development 'interaction program organized in different parts of five points in the first priority of a cargo opening of said rail.

The execution of the transport agreement in November, when Indo-Nepal wants to come to Nepal, said Indian tourists facing difficult.

He Cricket Ground in Pokhara denizens another attraction for Indian tourists insisted it holds.

Indian envoy to shooting the movie in Nepal 'pyakejako system was able to increase Indian tourists, he said.

Program of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Ananda agreed mulmile savarisambandhi execution and airline should provide for a new air route had demanded.

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