"naya shakti" public run the country's development (video)

10:50 AM
Economic revolution the slogan was announced recently a new power: Nepal Baburam Bhattarai-led economic development 'trailer' is made public.
Even if the economic revolution political revolution repeatedly stating that the development of new power Nepal's sort of development 'animation' videos made public.
Video 'prosperity is possible in our days' slogan is covered if the development scene is shown with priority.
The animated video was made public by the beginning of hatching dry pipeline is shown. After the pipe is shown slumped money talepachi pipeline.
Motor money by taking advantage of the beautiful, procedures aided farming, hydropower cable is shown together. If the last new power for economic prosperity in Nepal is written.

<iframe width="675" height="380" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HA0KSvHqeV0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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