Maoist rebels recharge them, the Prime Minister battery is finished off ends

9:33 PM
"The game is still '
KATHMANDU: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli-confidence motion against himself even registered the game yet to be written 'in the motion, saying all those who registered to be aware there are suggested. The following day the ruling coalition to back the Maoist, Congress, including some small parties in parliament on Wednesday had filed a motion against Oli.
"What I like above-confidence motion accused is brought to him by accepting his resignation to myself," Oli said, journalists and the parliamentary party meeting, "the game is yet to be written. Lyauneharu forms of disbelief alert. "
Oli, who spoke about a half hour of the game, what would it be clear that the usual way of the new government was no concept of a leader Annapurna information again and again repeated the UML. "Caretaker government led by Madhav Kumar Nepal did seven months. How much time should be the current government? "Oli said udaghrta are the leader said," I stared resignation, karakapanama also not acceptable. '
About half an hour by agreements and treaties with China, India, Oli, who spoke against the country from bharatavesthita genuine sense had nestled claims made. "We are an independent India's sovereignty, nationalism and independence do not always respect. He is also our nationality, sovereignty and independence of our statement that the intervention in drinking, "said Prime Minister Oli.

His leadership of the government and the constitution is unacceptable to prevent the prime elements of Games designed to subvert the government had claimed. According to sources, the Prime Minister Oli own no-confidence motion against the Indian ambassador Hotel Yak and registered the same day the accused were receiving one supper. 'Open Air strike the inhabitants of the feast, filled khaechana go, what does it mean? 'Oli counter India's interference in the accused were doing.
Maoist regime change through the center without any recharge Oli accused him of match. 'Maoist battery charged Radio, Battery finished off himself, "Oli said the UML chief whip udaghrta Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal said. The Maoists joined the political change of regime and deceived veimani The Maoists accused the government led by any gentleman's agreement were not claimed.
Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal on June 27 and modoliti future government, including the Ministry of division and dahalapachi UML-led government to become a positive conversation about government support to pass the next day from the information given by telephone, said the lawmakers were Oli. "I run 9 months. The time now is 20 months.
You (Dahal) is how to become prime minister were to become for a time, the Ministry will be? You leave that to the Prime Minister about how the UML I Dahal on June 27 was discussed, "Oli said the UML udaghrta a leader said," but the man next modoliti banaunchu is taken by calling support informed him. '
The government's letter in support withdrawn from the Maoist leaders Janardan Sharma and Raj Pandey had "a charitable not answer the Maoists' had been returned to the UML lawmaker said. "Those who come to us with a letter saying that it was neighbors support me. I answered the 5 ministry had dealt with the Ministry of 8. 82 seats in the party speaker purported to be from the uparastrasamma. Did you ever not a social service. I would have done, comrade to comrade did, "Oli said.
The option is not passed by parliament overlaps dependent vidheyaharu stewards is also meeting Prime Minister Oli put UML CA Rewatiraman Bhandari said. "The bill is not passed by rendering related to the deadlock a minute ubhidaina state. Option seeks, "Oli said udaghrta Bhandari said the lawmaker.

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