Wake up in the morning bad smells?bad smell measures to solve the problem of those who are 10

9:31 AM
Do not clean teeth habits, like sleeping and disagreements
Some khanekuraha ganaune eating, breathing the morning. sleep at night
If dry mouth is also the breath ganaune. Of course, breath durgndhita
There are many reasons for, and makes a solution to the problem
Of course, there are also many ways. The problem of science ganaune morning breath 'hyalitosisa she says.

10 measures to solve this type of monetary
1. Salt water mouth rinse by:
Of alcohol in the mouth, rinse the mouth fluids more
More dry demise. Therefore, rinse the mouth of domestic measures
Be adopting. 1 glass of lukewarm water and
Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and the water mouth rinse with
Please. By so doing, to make the bacteria die durgndhita breath.
Mauthavasaharu not contain any alcohol, drug store
Found, it can also be used. the Home
Rinse mouth when he cried bacteria living together,
Goes back and breath shortage problems ganaune.

2sutnubhanda front teeth majhneh
If proper attention to tooth cleaning, the problem is that breath ganaune
Along with various dantarogaharubata also be a solution to avoid.
Brushing your teeth in the morning before they wake up and sleep bahana
Ganaune breathing problems become less.
3sutne habits sudharneh
To sleep at night and slept on the open mouth of said ghurnubhayo or heavy
Squash is to be changed, that morning breath may be foul. Therefore,
It is important to improve the sleep habits. the
Lie down and sleep for a wheel is proper sleep, and sleep mouth
Instead of the habit of nose breathing.
4. Clean the tongue once a day by:
Wake up in the morning, your breath is the tongue thick ganairakheko
White algae can be felt. To make such a moss breath durgndhita
Bacteria are living together,. So soft teeth majhepachi
Brasale habit to clean the tongue light
Foundation. Cleaning the tongue than the use of force
If you do, the tongue Test Bud (tbakatabha dagama), simply damage
Nov. taste may have difficulty.
5sutnubhanda nose before breathing habits basalneh
Remember one thing before sleep, "the nose and mouth to breathe properly
Food for you! "Before going to sleep a few days, nose breath refreshment
Practice, and sleep off the mouth and nose of breath
6. Fresh fruits and sajasabjiharu khaneh
And plenty of fresh water and fruits, such as carrot, cucumber, apple,
Etc., even if the daily bout of breathing trouble ganaune lacking.
The food is very fat and grease appropriate worse. when he
Kitonsa mouth (pabhatayalabhaka) is a chemical called together, which is very
Durgndhita born mother of Olives. Therefore, these foods before eating
Consider the need to deliver.
7. Lineh medical advice
Even if your mother did not cease from following any foul the general
Certainly not the situation. In such a case, consult a doctor immediately
Is required to take. Everyone at least once a year
Check your teeth, dental physician is necessary. By so doing,
By your teeth, you do not know the identity of the problems that urgently
And more problems can be avoided.
8. Lack of sweet food, khaneh
We ate some food particles left in the mouth is too sweet
Is, which eventually becomes a source of the stench. such grains
Also soon to be attracted to the bacteria. the
Acid bacteria are turned and teeth rot, teeth and breath of osteoarthritis
Ganaune various problems such as appear. So sweet foods
Do not forget to rinse the mouth with water khaisakepachi.
9lasuna, pyamja and Peero food nakhaneh
Everyone knows that, pyamja ate that much breath smells!
Of course, it is good for health pyamja eat, but bad breath free
If you want to be just such food is worse. regularly
Garlic, pyamja intake of breath to the people, not just myself
The stench of the body come.
10. 1 glass of water before sleep piuneh
Lack of sleep at night, the body of water on
Even if the mouth is dry, that is the breath of Badalamji durgndhita
Confronted. So the day at least 8 glasses
Water to drink and sleep the night before the 1 glass
Drink water course. 1 glass of milk tend to drink too durgndhita
Reduction comes.

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