South Korea and the United defensive system connection (see more)

3:00 AM
SEOUL-South Korea and the United States failed to make a few days ago, North Korea's nuclear and missile testing have special pravidhijadita United defensive system connection. North Korea has appealed to both countries to prevent nuclear test, South Korea and the United States, regardless of test laid issued by this technology are connected.

However, if the system is to keep North Korea's announcement that it was strongly opposed. In this technology, the decision was the subject of last Friday. Recently, the US and South Korea to North Korea's missile testing often targets of the sea in the eastern coastal region of United Security system for defensive purposes were said to keep.

On Wednesday, South Korea's northern province of the same according to the technology jiyanma be connected. The system is described for the region on Wednesday placed the battery.

South Korea raksamantralayale battery placed in the area said. North Korea has tested a submarine since Saturday, is on the one hand, he strongly Systems have been installed such as physical action is also said.

 North Korea's request external world over the last few months, often without regard to the examination of the United Nations Peace and Disarmament violation of the law, saying it condemned daksinale said.

The joint work of the two countries North Korea, saying that the international rule of law is to take action against the belly m multispectral physical action as was recently given.

 On Monday, North Korea's statement is the latest news from the threat solabata. North Korea on Saturday morning by the sea in the eastern coastal areas of the toilet by the reports of the missile test was condemned South Korea.

 North Korea has said 'The plan to connect to the defensive system that does not take it back, we take physical action against this operation until we can. "
 In recent days, due to continued nuclear tests in South Korea and the United States have imposed sanctions on him.

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