101 old women birth to child (read more)

3:23 AM
27 June; More than 101 detainees will lead to women's mother who is hard to believe anyone. But only in Italy bhakharai a century old Nara-old child after birth has become the subject of concern for all. Italy is not the noise of 101-year-old Anatolia bhartadelale own womb that gave birth to a baby 9 pounds, that is the reality of 4 kg. In general the women's egg production will shut down when 4 9 years brdda the condition is often impossible to conceive a child; But the child was born after transplantation of ovarian bhartadelale are filed.

British law to extend brdda illegal transplant cases, the egg is a private clinic in Turkey, he said later she thiyina ovarian transplant. British law allowing such kind of transplant, he was recognized for Turkey has been a source told. However, if the woman is not willing to share the klinikabare. Because of his age, physicians were against it.

A group of doctors after their surgery to make sure he was very happy, she said. Knowing that he was very happy 17th birthday of the child she says. It could be said that all the goodness of entoniyale possible. After ovarian cancer, saying he is not useful, he says, '48 years old dimbasayako after cancer I had was useless. At that time, I thought that I had crafted 16 janmaekoma punish the child. But now, again, I have given birth, wrote the mercy. '
Salyakriyamarphata child had been born. According to her doctor, the woman's very good condition, he was healthy and she is thinking of her best. The vrddhasamga your child for a few more years left in the doctors said.

Unknown buvah
The woman's husband in the past are 1 in 99 8. For this purpose, they found a sperm donor because of the child's birth possible. Entoliyale online through their child's father are met. According to him, the child's father 27 years old are Catholic.

The child's guardian told him to remain with nothing. Entoliyale he told her of his deceased srimanaprati hundred percent honest. She says, "I wish agnostic in accordance with the use of adult Catholics biumatra am her. "Older age and give birth to a child, he said not a single. Ripped by 9 2 1 9 31-year-old malegvale deliver ramokgopale October 3, the twin birth to Jesus. - Agency

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