'The world's youngest country' South Sudan violence intensified, civil signal (see more)

4:22 AM
KATHMANDU, July 27. The world's youngest nation, South Sudan, as the day before the start of the Civil War in 2013, the conflict has become increasingly unstable.

The military spokesman for the vice-Reich macaraka rival groups clash carrkiepachi said the country returned to war. Colonel William gatirathale Kir, and Vice President Rick macara salbha supported the army started fighting again on Friday.

He and the chief military office in the capital jubasthita Vice President macarako residence in the said attack. In this process, hundreds of troops on both sides have been killed.

Information Minister Michael makuile ​​report said the war has reached a position contrary to are only dishonest. Southern Sudan, the United Nations Mission runs his office, demanding hundreds of supporters of kampandama leaders urged restraint, according to his army.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the attack. South Sudan to the UN Security Council emergency meeting to discuss the lodges.

Sudan is going to separate the five year anniversary celebration of homecoming when the violence. The world's youngest country, the President and the Vice violence bhadkamda supporters were killed Friday alone, more than 1 hundred and 50.

There are two 20-month-long violence to peace talks stopped in 2015 as a consensus has not been implemented fully.

Vice President is not serious about the peace agreement and accused party. Five years ago, apart from northern Sudan Southern Sudan becoming a civil war tens of thousands people were killed and millions were displaced. (Agency)

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