Cow urine from the kidneys fail the decent treatment of cancer found (read more)

9:53 AM
Rupandehi kidney failure seen in up to 27 June gaumutravata cancer treatment yogarcaya disease and benefits of large and mahaga pancagavya Aurvedic bisesa Wawa yogirajale said Wednesday.

He cow gaumutravata 6 of the cancer of the kidney failure 1, and another patient's treatment, said there are 36 different problems.

After hospital treatment well nahunebataepachi house and himself, but now he has said he healed the sick. He even 6 persons absent treatment, said Wednesday. Yogarcaya culture and pancagavya Aurvedic bisesa Wawa yogirajalele kidneys fail, they lack economic treatment without any compulsion has said that now she had made to heal from treatment.

Studies in India and Nepal until lamosamaya walks yogarcaya culture and pancagavya Aurvedic bisesa Wawa yogirajalele arghakhacama now asramabanai patients have undergone treatment. There are some byabasayiharule asramabanaidieka vutabalaka them.

 He has said the disease abasthaheri must devote your nigardanimama treatment regardless of the patient's treatment, he said that there are 1 thousand dashed. Prakrtiheri himself, at home or carry out treatment of the disease to the convent volaera said Wednesday.

Yogarcaya culture and pancagavya Aurvedic Wawa yogirajale bisesa said gaumutravata nikohune dherairogako said. Fringe jarsigai city folk medicine, cow, can be said gaumutravata. He has said the dissemination of the departure of the rogavata mrtyukamahune. He gaipaleka 50 by the doors. Ausadhipani make themselves whole.

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