NOC 8 of the 6 ships were retired (read more)

9:00 PM
Kathmandu, the national flag carrier Nepal Airlines domestic and international flights of 6 to 8 sets of the ship have been stranded udnai too. The main income is through the ship difficult situation, namely corporation.

Three international flights and domestic flights also Celeste Celeste, a series of three ships 'grounded' in the accident. Gradually adding new ships stopping his image going Corporation domestic and foreign destinations both sides almost zero after the ship's position is not only tarnishing the image of a business way back now begun to suffer.

"Domestic and international flights are grounded 8 sets jahajamadhye now 6, the Corporation Corporate Director and spokesman Hari Sharma said on Monday a citizen," Most of the ships were grounded due to technical problems and said international flights are a great jahajacahim thankina reached bird stumbled. '

According to him, last Thursday (July 23) in Kathmandu to Hong Kong flight while striding galloping 'e320200' series aircraft collided with a bird's Tribhuvan International Airport was grounded. Then on Sunday (July 26) in a 'B-757' series aircraft has been grounded at Tribhuvan International Airport after a technical problem.

Earlier, one of two internal flights otter was grounded due to technical reasons. Singapore about a month to repair the meeting moved to another B-757 has been pending for backsliding. Similarly, two sets of Chinese jahajamadhye "Modern Ark (MA -60), about two weeks ago for maintenance pending in the other 'vai12-E' obstruction 9 months ago.

According to the relevant authority 'eyarakandisana pipes' leak kalasaina 9ena-esibi the B-757 has grounded the ship on Sunday. "This ship has purchased nearly thirty years, and so far the pipe work was thought to be," the official said, "Now that the pipe began to leak. Old ship because we have begun to manage unbearable. '

Most of the ship grounded many flights canceled for Saturday next after the corporation management has flights to Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, and next year is done. International flights are now only one remaining of a 320-ship can not reach due to the destination. The rest of a ship up to two to three flights daily to the NOC can.

NOC for Kuala Lumpur and Doha for three to four flights a week it was. The ship namely Bangkok on Monday canceled flights. So on Tuesday bainalora flight is also canceled. "If we do not stop flying as Delhi are in favor," said the official concerned, "khumcinuparda a ship to go all the destination is not possible. Tickets agreed to send passengers to other company law board fixed. Now we have yet to calculate the loss of income. "

Antarikatarpha also khumcinuparda a ship across the country have been affected by the flight destination. NOC flight was more than two dozen domestic destinations. Three out of the ship is cruising flight of around antarikatarpha namely, the official said.

"Do not blame the management of the ship thankinuma," lamented the official helplessness, "said Airbus ciniyamsahita four ships are stranded due to technical thankina reached bird stumbled. Now try to blow up as soon as possible and is being repaired. If only our fault repair delays appear. '

Last Thursday, a bird hit the right engine to assess the damage to the engine manufacturer corporation management company International Aero Engines (IAE) is called from an engineer. 'Engine blade is found fractured, "said the official concerned,' IAE engine engineers know that the library will be watching the only sure loss."

NOC international flights by the European shipbuilding company superjumbos taken a year ago to buy two sets of 1 hundred and 58 seats stayed e320200 capabilities, the US manufacturer Boeing built the ship 1 9 0-seat two hundred sets of B-757, a pistol made in China antarikatarpha Cité MA 58 -60 and 17 sets of Cité vai12-e and Canada built a Cité two sets of 1 9 'diecasi 6 "are otter ship. Among B-757 is about 30 years old and 40 years old are the otter.

NOC four large aircrafts in India New Delhi, Mumbai and bainalora, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Qatar Doha and Hong Kong for a week for about two dozen flights had been. Delhi flight would only week 11

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